Royal London For Intermediaries

Royal London For Intermediaries

The Royal London Group is one of the leading providers of insurance for intermediaries and brokers. The company has a long history of providing insurance for brokers, including protection for their customers and themselves.

What is royal london for intermediaries?

The Royal London is a leading provider of intermediaries products in the UK. The company has been in operation for over 150 years and has grown to be one of the largest general insurers in the UK.

It is now an international company that operates in more than 20 countries across Europe and Asia, with a diverse customer base, including both individuals and businesses.

Explaining royal london insurance for intermediaries

Royal London Insurance is one of the UK’s largest general insurers with over 2 million customers. They are one of the UK’s leading providers of insurance to intermediaries, and have been insuring brokers for decades. They offer a range of tailored products, including business interruption cover and professional indemnity insurance, as well as specialist products such as mortgage protection insurance and pet care cover.

It is a leading provider of insurance for intermediaries and offers a wide variety of products and services to intermediaries, including brokers, sub-brokers and wholesale agents. The company is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and Prudential Regulatory Authority.

It has been a member of the Association of British Insurers (ABI) since 1909 and became a founding member of the ABI Mutuals Group in 2005.

In 2009 it became one of five founding members of The Association for Protection from Unfair Trading (APUT).

How does royal london mortgage for intermediaries works?

Royal London provides a range of mortgages for intermediaries, including residential mortgages, buy-to-let mortgages, bridging finance and commercial mortgages.

It offers a wide range of products to suit different needs, such as competitive rates on loans, flexible repayment terms and competitive rates on savings accounts.

The company offers a range of service to intermediaries including:

  • Mortgage advice
  • Mortgage lending
  • Mortgage broking
  • Financial advice

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